Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) / Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) (European Studies [French/German Stream] / Geography / Global and China Studies/ Government and International Studies/ History/ Sociology)

Programme Code


Year of Entry


Mode of Study

Full Time

Duration of Study

4 Years

Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction for classroom teaching (in all forms) at HKBU is English, except for those courses that are granted exemption.

Fund Type

Government Funded

First Year Intake Number


Class Start Date

September 2025

Annual Tuition Fees

HK$44,500 (local); HK$175,000 (non-local) i

Credits Required for Graduation


Programme Requirements

HKDSE Core Subject(s) Minimum Level
Elective Subject(s) Minimum Level

Notes for elective subjects:

1) One of the electives must be any Category A subjects  (excluding Extended Part of Mathematics (Module 1 or Module 2));

2) The other elective can be any of the following subjects:
a) Category A subjects (including Extended Part of Mathematics (Module 1 or Module 2));
b) Category C (Other Language) subjects.

Please refer to the following link for the details of General and Programme Entrance Requirements:


Remarks on other requirements:
Category B (Applied Learning) subjects will be considered in the admissions selection process.


Choices of Programme

For details of Programme assignment, please visit Faculty website at https://sosc.hkbu.edu.hk/en/sosc/bap


Programme Description

Students who are interested in European Studies – French/German Stream, Geography, Global & China Studies, Government & International Studies, History, and Sociology will be considered for a joint admission.  Students will choose their Majors via internal application.

BSocSc (Hons) in European Studies – French/German Stream:
European civilisation is among the most influential in the world. The European Union has emerged as a major actor in world politics and economics; its growth and development are of vital global importance. Students will undergo rigorous training in French or German up to levels of academic and professional fluency. They may also be eligible for one of the double degree programmes with our European partners. By the time of graduation, students will have a firm knowledge of the European world and possess the communicative skills necessary for a future professional or academic career in the fields of European-Asian relations. 

BSocSc (Hons) in Geography: 
The Programme provides a solid training in geographical theories and methods, and helps students acquire the intellectual and practical skills to analyse, assess and interpret geographical information both independently and as part of a team. It aims to provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of spatial order and the interdependence of different regions of the world, and a critical understanding of environmental and socio-economic development issues with a focus on global-local connections. The Programme also provides students with the ability to apply a variety of geographical techniques and methods to analyse and to interpret diverse people-environment interactions. The Programme includes a study year abroad (i.e. in the 3rd year of study) in a French or German speaking country.

BSocSc (Hons) in Global & China Studies:
The Programme trains students to explore the on-going transformations and engage with indigenous communities inside and beyond China. It highlights the situation of a changing China in the evolving world order. Students will study the socio-political, economic, environmental, and cultural processes of globalisation and the developments in China, and gain opportunities of language training and experiential learning in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and overseas via international exchange opportunities. The Programme trains students to understand Hong Kong, China and the world in relational and comparative perspectives. It also cultivates cosmopolitan, intercultural citizens who think globally and act locally. 

BSocSc (Hons) in Government & International Studies:
The Programme provides students with a firm grasp of the different areas of political science including comparative politics (e.g. political institutions, political culture and political behaviour), public policy and administration, international relations, political economy, political theory and research methods. Geographically,  the Programme focuses on the politics of Hong Kong, Mainland China, the Asia-Pacific region and the European Union. The Programme seeks to sharpen the student’s awareness by incorporating a systematic, comparative and international dimension, drawing both on the European Studies and Global & China Studies Programmes. It will prepare student for global careers related to public affairs, business, philanthropy, and international development.

BA (Hons) in History:
The Programme aims to help students develop a holistic perspective of history. It provides a balanced curriculum with equal emphasis on China and the global world. After completing the programme, students will possess a sound understanding of major events and movements that have shaped the growth of the human community, as well as the skills necessary to trace the historical roots of contemporary issues and to analyse worldwide the impact of individual events. Students will develop a critical and broadminded attitude toward the traditions and cultural heritage of different civilisations.

BSocSc (Hons) in Sociology:
The Programme offers a comprehensive exploration of social relationships within global, regional, and local institutional contexts, underpinned by rigorous and cutting-edge data analytic research methodologies. This programme is designed to cultivate students' ability in three areas: (1) understanding the persistence and change of social actions, structures, and their relationships with diverse social institutions; (2) fostering a critical comprehension of social values and meanings of social behaviors; and (3) nurturing the capacity to undertake rigorous research on pertinent social issues.

Student Learning Experiences 

BSocSc (Hons) in European Studies – French/German Stream:
European Studies is a global programme with a special emphasis on the French- and German-speaking world. In addition to the academic exchange and internship opportunities in Europe, it also offers numerous intercultural seminars, workshops, as well as international service-learning, career talks and visits in various European corporations and organisations, that operate in the Greater Bay Area and the Asia-Pacific. 

BSocSc (Hons) in Geography: 
The Programme attaches great importance to student learning experiences and strives to provide students with a wide range of fieldwork and practical training. Geography students will have opportunities to participate in local and regional field trips and subject-related fieldwork and practical work. In addition, a mandatory field camp of around 4 to 9 days is organised for Year 3 students in semester 2 of every year. The past field camps have been held in the U.S., Australia, Mainland China and Southeast Asia, etc. 

Besides, students will be able to participate in service-learning and interdisciplinary courses and projects and become responsible citizens with a global outlook. Students will examine social and/or environmental issues and leverage the geographical training to create possible solutions. 

BSocSc (Hons) in Global & China Studies: 
The Programme normally organises the Summer Sojourn I in Mainland China for the second-year students. Students may also choose between Global Work Placement and Summer Sojourn II in European countries during their third or fouth year of study. In addition, the Programme encourages and facilitates students to join the internship programmes offered by the Social Sciences Faculty.  

BSocSc (Hons) in Government & International Studies: 
BA (Hons) in History: 
BSocSc (Hons) in Sociology: 

These Programmes offer the best student experience by enabling students to expand social network through interacting with students and academic staff from a variety of backgrounds, e.g. course-related and outside classroom learning organised by the Major Departments and/or student Societies. All Programmes also offers opportunities to participate in local and/or overseas internship such as Social Sciences Internship and USA Disney Internship Programmes, etc.  

All Programmes also offer opportunities to participate in local and/or overseas internship such as Social Sciences Internship and USA Disney Internship Programmes, and exchange with overseas agencies, firms and universities available from the University, Faculty, and Departments. 


Career Opportunities

BSocSc (Hons) in European Studies – French/German Stream:
Multinational corporations; European government or business organisations (e.g. Consulates and Chambers of Commerce); media and communication; finance/banking; trading/merchandising; transport/logistics; retail; tourism, cultural and education sectors. 

BSocSc (Hons) in Geography: 
Commerce/finance, teaching/research, civil service, the media, tourism, administration/management, community/social services, and non-governmental organisations 

BSocSc (Hons) in Global & China Studies:
International business, trade and development, consultancy work, tourism, marketing, education and research, management, public relations, media and communication, international organisations, government agencies, NGOs. 

BSocSc (Hons) in Government & International Studies:
Civil service, media, local and international non-governmental organisations, social services, academic and commerce, district organisations, local and international think tanks. 

BA (Hons) in History:
Teaching, museum and archive work, civil service, cultural affairs, business, the media, publishing, or journalism.

BSocSc (Hons) in Sociology:
Careers in NGOs, social marketing, social enterprises, data management, social research, journalism and media, social services, education, civil services, public relations, administrative management, and human resources management.

A substantial number of students continue on to postgraduate studies in related professional fields in Hong Kong and overseas.


i. Subject to University annual review.

Extended Part of Mathematics (Module 1 or Module 2) can be recognised for fulfilment of the second elective requirement.

The Programme will NOT consider Category B subjects (Applied Learning) for fulfilment of the elective requirement.

The Programme will consider Category C subjects (Other Language) at Grade C or above for fulfilment of the second elective requirement.

The scores for Category C subjects are converted as follows:

Year of Entry

HKDSE Category C Subjects

Conversion Scores









French, German and Spanish

C1, C2

B1, B2



Level 6

Levels 4, 5

Level 3




  1. Upon score calculation and compilation of interview results (if any), eligible applicants will be given a rank in the Merit Order List to the JUPAS Office. The Merit Order List will be generated according to the priority given to the list of Tie-breakers. During the admissions process, the following are the most commonly used tie-breakers by the programmes offered by the University.
    The most commonly used tie-breakers by the programmes offered by the University
    Tie-breakers Remarks
    HKDSE Academic Score (plus interview score, if any) Derived from the score formula of individual programme
    (The programme will consider the best 5 HKDSE subjects in Academic Score calculation.)
    Interview Performance Applicable to School Principal's nominees / applicants with a disability / OEA applicants / regular applicants with interview
    Band Band A applicants will be ranked first then Band B, and so on.
    A (Prog. Choice 1 - 3) >
    B (Prog. Choice 4 - 6) >
    C (Prog. Choice 7 - 10) >
    D (Prog. Choice 11 - 15) >
    E (Prog. Choice 16 - 20)
    HKDSE English Score Take the best score of HKDSE English Language Result
  2. If a programme ranks the tie-breakers as: '1' to 'HKDSE Academic Score', '2' to 'Band', '3' to 'HKDSE Standard + 1 best X Subject Score', applicants with highest HKDSE Academic Score will be ranked first. If there are two applicants having the same HKDSE Academic Score, the one who places the programme in a higher band choice will be ranked higher. If the two applicants are the same on the first 2 tie-breakers, their HKDSE Standard + 1 best X Subject Score will be compared, the one with higher HKDSE Standard + 1 best X Subject Score will be given a higher rank, and so on.




As programmes select students not only on the basis of the HKDSE results, the actual results of the students admitted to each programme may vary from year to year (depending on the overall results achieved by applicants in a particular year, the number of applicants applying to the programme, changes in selection criteria, etc.). Please be reminded that information listed above is for reference ONLY and is subject to change, and should NOT be used to predict the chance of admission to any programme.