Faculty of Science

Bachelor of Science (Hons)

Programme Code


Year of Entry


Mode of Study

Full Time

Duration of Study

4 Years

Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction for classroom teaching (in all forms) at HKBU is English, except for those courses that are granted exemption.

Fund Type

Government Funded

First Year Intake Number


Class Start Date

September 2025

Annual Tuition Fees

HK$44,500 (local); HK$175,000 (non-local) i

Credits Required for Graduation

Refer to remarks

Programme Requirements

HKDSE Core Subject(s) Minimum Level
Elective Subject(s) Minimum Level

Notes for elective subjects:

1) One of the electives must be any Category A subjects  (excluding Extended Part of Mathematics (Module 1 or Module 2));

2) The other elective can be any of the following subjects:
    a) Category A subjects (including Extended Part of Mathematics (Module 1 or Module 2));
    b) Category B (Applied Learning) subjects with "Attained with Distinction (I)" or above;
    c) Category C (Other Language) subjects.
Please refer to the following link for the details of General and Programme Entrance Requirements:

Remarks on other requirements:

1) High choice banding in JUPAS application is preferred. 

2) Good results in science-related elective subjects is preferred.


Choices of Major Programme

For details of Major Programme assignment, please visit Faculty website at http://site.sci.hkbu.edu.hk/ug/major_prog.php


Programme Description

Under 4-year curriculum, students will be admitted on a Faculty basis with broad-based education in science in the first year. Students will have a free choice of 7 Majors leading to award of the Bachelor of Science below.


1) BSc(Hons) in Applied Biology
This programme offers two concentrations of study:
i) Biotechnology 
ii) Environmental Science
The programme is structured to provide the necessary training in the biological sciences to meet local and international needs in the fields of biotechnology biomedical science, environmental technology and management, and ecosystem conservation management. Various laboratory courses and field trips are provided to equip students with technical skills for biological and biomedical research and biotechnology and environmental industry.

2) BSc(Hons) in Applied Biology and BSc(Hons) in Ecology and Conservation [Double Degree]
This programme is jointly offered by the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and the University of Lincoln in UK. In this “3+1” Double Degree programme, students studying in the Environmental Science concentration of the Applied Biology programme will study the first three years at HKBU to gain fundamental and advanced knowledge and skills in environmental science and management to address current and topical environmental and human health-related issues and problems, and study Year 4 at the University of Lincoln in its Ecology and Conservation programme. This will provide students with a firm grounding in the principles of ecology and conservation to address challenges pertaining to the conservation of biodiversity.

3) BSc(Hons) in Bioresource and Agricultural Science 
The programme is the first and unique agriculture related professional programme in Hong Kong, which focuses on the integration of agriculture with bioresource management with the aim of cultivating an understanding of the social, ecological and environmental significance of agricultural practices and bioresource conservation from the perspective of sustainability. 

All students admitted into this programme will be offered an internship opportunity and professional organic certification and inspector training.


4) BSc(Hons) in Biochemical and Testing Sciences 
This programme offers two concentrations of study:
i) Biomedical Chemistry (BMC)
ii) Testing and Certification (T&C)


The aim of the programme is to provide students with a strong foundation in all principal areas of chemical sciences. The curriculum is designed to equip students with ample knowledge and skills in (applied) chemistry and biochemistry, solving real-world scientific problems especially in biomedicine and (bio)chemical testing. Emphasis will also be placed on developing students’ analytical mind, logical and critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which are the essential generic capabilities in employment and postgraduate study.

Computer Science

5) BSc(Hons) in Computer Science
The aim of the programme^ is to prepare students for pursuing a career or postgraduate study in computer science or Information Communication Technology related areas. For details, please visit website

This programme offers four concentrations of study:
i) Artificial Intelligence (AI)
ii) Computing and Software Technologies (CST)
iii) Data and Media Communication (DMC) (collaborated with Department of Journalism, School of Communication)
iv) Information Systems and Analytics (ISA)

The programme includes diversified learning experience, such as (overseas) summer internship, 1-year placement, overseas summer research programme and overseas study exchange.


^ Full accreditation from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) has been granted for CST, ISA, AI and
double concentrations (CST+DMC, ISA+DMC and AI +DMC).

From 2024-25 Academic Year onwards, students meeting CST+AI, ISA+AI, or CST+ISA graduation requirements may apply to the Department for graduation with double concentrations at the end of March of the final year#.

#Remarks: CST+AI, ISA+AI, and CST+ISA double concentrations are subject to constraints of timetabling and hence, cannot be guaranteed.



6) BSc(Hons) in Mathematics and Statistics

The programme is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in mathematical and statistical concepts with an aim towards developing logical thinking and analytical skills that are applicable to various career fields.

Special emphasis on applications in industrial and commercial areas is stressed, and students are well trained in the use of various computer software packages to solve real-life problems in management science, logistics, computer visualisation, computational finance, engineering design, actuarial science, clinical research, industrial applications, social science research and others. 

This programme offers two concentrations of study: 
i) Data Science 
ii) Applied Statistics

Students can graduate without any concentration or with one or two concentration(s) according to their interest and career goal.  


7) BSc(Hons) in Green Energy and Smart Technology
The aim of the programme is to nurture young professionals with the knowledge and practical skills to develop and implement green and smart technology-driven approaches for a career in the rapidly expanding sector of smart and net-zero carbon city development. This programme provides training in green energy science and smart technology, such as green energy generation, smart energy storage and distribution, smart control systems and IoT, carbon audit, energy audit and energy management. In addition to in-class learning and projects, students have experiential learning opportunities, such as internship and overseas study exchange. Courses are also available to help students to prepare for professional certification examinations. Students graduating from this programme are well equipped and highly competitive for careers as green energy and smart technology professionals, e.g., in energy audit and consulting, energy/utility companies, green/smart building design and management, smart transportation and energy conservation. The basic science training also prepares students for further studies in science and engineering, or careers in technology innovation.

Transdisciplinary Second Majors / Second Majors

The University envisions the importance of transdisciplinary innovations in response to the global challenges and offers a flexible curriculum structure that is much more agile and fits the present and yet-to-known future needs. Students will have the opportunity to opt for a transdisciplinary second major (TSM) / second major (SM) on top of their major. TSMs are geared for particular talent needs in Hong Kong and prepare students to pool knowledge from different disciplines to excel in multiple career, whereas SMs prepare students to gain in-depth knowledge from another discipline to complement the first major. This approach equips students not only for their careers, but also the future development of their respective fields. Nine TSMs / SMs will be launched in the 2025/26 academic year (subject to the approval of the University Senate).


i. Subject to University annual review.

ii. The general Unit Requirement is 128 units but the unit requirement of BSc(Hons) in Bioresource and Agricultural Science is 129 units with the additional 1 unit for Summer Internship.


Extended Part of Mathematics (Module 1 or Module 2) can be recognised for fulfilment of the second elective requirement.

The Programme will consider Category B subjects (Applied Learning) with “Attained with Distinction (I)” or above for fulfilment of the second elective requirement.

The scores for Category B subjects are converted as follows:

Attained with Distinction (II)=4, Attained with Distinction (I)=3

The Programme will consider Category C subjects (Other Language) at Grade C or above for fulfilment of the second elective requirement.

The scores for Category C subjects are converted as follows:

Year of Entry

HKDSE Category C Subjects

Conversion Scores









French, German and Spanish

C1, C2

B1, B2



Level 6

Levels 4, 5

Level 3

  1. Upon score calculation and compilation of interview results (if any), eligible applicants will be given a rank in the Merit Order List to the JUPAS Office. The Merit Order List will be generated according to the priority given to the list of Tie-breakers. During the admissions process, the following are the most commonly used tie-breakers by the programmes offered by the University.
    The most commonly used tie-breakers by the programmes offered by the University
    Tie-breakers Remarks
    HKDSE Academic Score (plus interview score, if any)

    Derived from the score formula of individual programme
    (The programme will consider the best 5 HKDSE subjects in Academic Score calculation.)

    Interview Performance Applicable to School Principal's nominees / applicants with a disability / OEA applicants / regular applicants with interview
    Band Band A applicants will be ranked first then Band B, and so on.
    A (Prog. Choice 1 - 3) >
    B (Prog. Choice 4 - 6) >
    C (Prog. Choice 7 - 10) >
    D (Prog. Choice 11 - 15) >
    E (Prog. Choice 16 - 20)
    HKDSE English Score Take the best score of HKDSE English Language Result
  2. If a programme ranks the tie-breakers as: '1' to 'HKDSE Academic Score', '2' to 'Band', '3' to 'HKDSE Standard + 1 best X Subject Score', applicants with highest HKDSE Academic Score will be ranked first. If there are two applicants having the same HKDSE Academic Score, the one who places the programme in a higher band choice will be ranked higher. If the two applicants are the same on the first 2 tie-breakers, their HKDSE Standard + 1 best X Subject Score will be compared, the one with higher HKDSE Standard + 1 best X Subject Score will be given a higher rank, and so on.




As programmes select students not only on the basis of the HKDSE results, the actual results of the students admitted to each programme may vary from year to year (depending on the overall results achieved by applicants in a particular year, the number of applicants applying to the programme, changes in selection criteria, etc.). Please be reminded that information listed above is for reference ONLY and is subject to change, and should NOT be used to predict the chance of admission to any programme.